Update #70

30 January 2021

???? 1. We took a look back over the past week full of beautiful moments

????2. During the pitch at the city of Zurich and the physical test run with Zero Waste Store Zollfrei, we collected a lot of information. Now it’s our turn to prioritize them.

????3. Isa is integrating an english version of our current app to make it for more people accesibile. 

???? 4. Tibor & us are thinking about how to build a technical solution to make the marketplace interconnected between delivery & inventory management.

???? 5. Johannes is connecting with Yvonne from City Zurich to see how to work independently from fundings together, as well with Christof from Zollfrei to exchange about last test run & payment modules, and looking forward to contact other grocery stores

???? 6. Raphi & Johannes is looking forward for the meeting with Shiro as initiator to think about the holochain architecture of Lightwave marketplace